My name is Rebecca Lynn Luman; Becky, for short. I care deeply about our Earth...the hearts and health of all people and the environment. I am only one of so many individuals living with each other and nature, partnering to build healthy, happy communities, working together to ensure a prosperous, sustainable, resilient future for ourselves and future generations.
My experience as an engineer, environmental consultant, organizational leader, collaborator, champion for all children, and mother provide a powerful influence on my view of our world. I understand the connection between our built environment, natural environment, health, education, economics, and the value of collaboration as being integral to the success of any endeavor.
“Healthy” means different things to different individuals and organizations: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, economic, environmental. Importantly, the health of all God's creations is interconnected. My degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in environmental pollution control and water resources, first-hand experience working in the field and consulting to various industries, conveyed the importance of worker and environmental health. My lens broadened with the arrival of our children, work within schools to advance sustainability/outdoor learning environments (OLE), and partnering with environmental and health organizations, providing my unique perspective of the value, connection, and health of all living creatures.
Earth, our shared home, supports all life…people, plants, animals…entire ecosystems…all creatures great and small. Clean air, clean water, clean soil, and healthy, diverse eco-systems provide sustenance to live and thrive. Nature provides us what we need, and we in turn, must conserve and protect our shared natural resources, maintaining a balance with the economic health of the business and industries that support quality of life for all.
As a Professional Engineer in Texas and California, a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP)® BD+C, consultant, and project manager in the environmental field for over three decades, I have managed investigations and removal actions at Federal and State Superfund sites and other private-sector contaminated sites, and conducted Phase I ESAs, authoring for decades Site Auditing: Environmental Assessment of Property (Specialty Technical Publishers) and various Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) auditing guides covering federal compliance, State environmental differences, California OSHA requirements, and federal construction and transportation regulations.
I've also performed multi-media environmental compliance audits and EMS assessments within the aerospace, semiconductor, food, manufacturing, shipbuilding, and utility industries, and prepared numerous pollution prevention plans, permits, and regulatory reports. Additionally, I am experienced identifying applicable EHS legal obligations for diverse business and industries across the US and helping them maintain compliance with these regulations. Prior to entering the private sector, I worked for a major public water supplier as team-member involved in a federal Superfund Remedial Investigation, studying the impact of groundwater contamination over a 60-square mile area.
I am currently on the Houston Advisory Board of The Nature Conservancy,, on the Champions Board for the Texas Girls Collaborative Project, and member of ASCE. I am also privileged to have previously been on the Board of Houston’s Citizens’ Environmental Coalition, Regional Lead for Texas Children in Nature Network–Houston, Regional Collaborative, Lead for Open OutDoors for Kids–Houston (formerly Every Kid in a Park), Co-Chair for Cities Connecting Children to Nature–Houston’s Resilient Schools Strategy, Co-Chair for the IIA Environmental Health & Safety Audit Center Texas Regional Roundtable, and member of the Regional USGBC Green Schools Committee and Texas Green Schools Leadership Coalition. As a leader, board member, and collaborator with various environmental, health, and educational industry groups and non-profits, I work to break down silos and build relationships between public and private sectors, NGOs, and the general public. I also work to enhance children’s health and education through sustainable schools and improved access to nature. I value strong collaboration and checking egos at the door.
I apply hard work, ethics, and the experience I’ve accumulated throughout my life to everything I do. Whether assessing contamination at an industrial site, working with business to protect human health and the environment, championing for all children, or educating real people on the connection between quality of life, prosperity, and health…the health of all people, the health of the built environment, and the health of the natural environment…I'm ready to be part of any team who is committed to working together to make the Earth, our shared home, a better place for all.
I formed Healthy Tweaks LLC® to inspire anyone desiring to make healthy business or personal decisions…ones that are Healthy for you…Healthy for Our Earth™. I educate schools/districts, businesses, individuals, and communities on the positive effects they can make taking little steps (“tweaks”), instead of being overwhelmed or resigned that changes aren’t possible. Working together, we can all make small changes, adding up to big impacts on our Earth for a healthy, sustainable future for all.
Enjoy: Becky Finds Her Park: Celebrating the National Parks 100 Years
Healthy for You...Healthy for our Earth!™
Theodore Roosevelt National Park