Using Outdoor Spaces as Essential Assets
Providing equitable resources for all children is critical to creating conditions that lead to improved learning, health, well-being, and resilience for individuals and communities. The following resources guide school districts and teachers in using outdoor spaces as essential assets.
Green Schoolyards America National Outdoor Learning Initiative. Provides hundreds of resources for schools and districts across the country use outdoor spaces as essential assets they reopen during COVID and beyond.
Natural Learning Initiative's Early Childhood Outdoor Play & Learning Resources. Resources to support families schooling at home, teachers and children in childcare centers, and early childhood college educators.
NAAEE. Programs & Resources, Tips, and support for teaching outdoors.
NAAEE/NWF Guide to Advocating for Outdoor Classrooms in Coronavirus-Era School Reopening.
Outdoor Learning Environment - Example Procedures for Teaching Outdoors. Developed by Austin ISD; available to anyone desiring adopt/adapt to teach in the outdoors during COVID.
Texas Children in Nature - U-Tube Channel. Helpful videos and workshops supporting teacher's use of the great outdoors to inspire learning!
Gardening Resources